Showing posts with label Master Albert. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Master Albert. Show all posts

Thursday, 19 August 2021

NOVEL X. Master Albert, of Bologna


Master Albert, of Bologna, puts a lady to the blush, who thought to have done as much by him, because she perceived him to be amorously inclined towards her. 

After Eliza had finished, the last tale remained to be told by the queen, who, in the most becoming manner, began as follows: - Most virtuous ladies, as the stars are the ornament of heaven when the air is clear, and as flowers embellish the meadow in the spring, so lively sallies and appropriate anecdotes constitute the charm of polite conversation; and these are, from their very brevity, better suited to women than men, forasmuch as many words, when fewer would serve the purpose, are more unbecoming in our sex than in them. It is true there are few women now who understand anything that is smart and witty when they hear it; or, if they do understand, they scarcely know how to make a reply; which is much to the disgrace of our sex. For that culture which adorned the minds of women in former times, is devoted in our days to the body; and she whose habit is most gaudy, and set off with embroideries and fantastic ornaments, is most esteemed, not considering that, were you to load an ass with that finery, it would be able to carry more than any women, and, therefore, in that particular, they deserve not so much respect as the ass. I am ashamed to mention these things, because, whilst I censure other women, I am taxing myself. Such showy painted things, what are they else but statues, dull and insensible? or if they answer a question, they had better have been silent. Truly, they would have you think, that their not knowing how to converse with men of sense proceeds from their simplicity and purity of mind, and therefore they call their own foolishness by the name of modesty; as if there were no other honest woman but she who converses with her chambermaid, laundress, or kitchen-women; and as if nature designed them no other kind of conversation. Most sure it is, that in this, as well as in other things, you are to consider when, where, and with whom, you speak: for sometimes it happens, that a man or woman, intending by some jest or other to put a person to the blush, without having compared their strength of wit with that of the other person, may find it recoil upon themselves. Therefore, that we may be always upon our guard, and not verify the proverb which is in every one's mouth. That women always choose the worst, I desire that this day's last novel, which is to come from myself, may make us all wise; to the end that, as we are distinguished from others by birth and quality, we may not be behind them in discreetness of behaviour. 

It is not long since there was living at Bologna (and perhaps he may be there still), a physician of extraordinary note in his profession, called Master Albert, one of so sprightly a disposition, though he was nearly seventy years old, that notwithstanding his natural heat and vigour had quite forsaken him, yet disdained he not to receive the 

sparks of love. For having seen, at an entertainment, a most beautiful lady, a widow, called, as some say, Madam Malgherida de' Ghisolieri, he was no less smitten than if he had been a younger person: nor could he rest at nights, unless he had seen the fair one by day. This made him pass backwards and forwards, sometimes on foot, and sometimes on horseback, so often before her door, that she, and some other ladies of her acquaintance, could not help taking notice of it; and would often make themselves merry to see a person of his years and learning so ridiculously amorous; supposing love to be a passion peculiar to young people. Master Albert continuing his marches to and fro by the house, it happened, on a festival, that this lady was sitting at the door with some of her friends, and seeing him come at a distance, they all agreed to receive him handsomely, and afterwards to rally him on his passion. They rose up, therefore, and invited him into a pleasant room, where he was entertained with rich wine and sweetmeats; and at length they began to inquire of him, as modestly as possible, how he could ever think of being in love with so fine a lady, seeing how much she had been solicited by many brisk, gay young gentlemen. Master Albert, perceiving that they had drawn him in among them, only to make a jest of him, put a merry countenance on the matter, and replied: 

"Madam, it should seem no strange thing to any considerate person, that I am in love, especially with you, because you so well deserve it. And though the power be. taken away by age, yet is the will remaining, as also the judgment to distinguish those who are most worthy of our affection; and this in a greater degree, as age has more knowledge than youth. The hope that prompted me, who am old, to love you, who are courted by so many younger persons, is this; I have often, at an afternoon's collation, observed ladies eating lupines and leeks, and though in the leek there be no goodness at all, yet is the head least hurtful, as well as most agreeable to the taste: but you, guided by a wrong appetite, will generally hold the head between your fingers, and eat the stalk, which is not only good for nothing, but has also a bad relish. Suppose, therefore, you choose a lover in the same manner; I shall be the happy person, and the rest of your lovers all discarded." The lady was in some confusion, as well as her companions; and she said to him, "sir, you have given us a very just and reasonable reprimand: I shall always value your respect, as that of a learned and worthy person; and you may ever, as far as is consistent with my honour, command me." Master Albert rose, gave the ladies thanks, took his leave very merrily, and departed. Thus the fair dame, never considering whom she jested with, met with her match; of which, if you are wise, you will hereafter be careful. 

The sun was now descending in the west, and the heat of the day much abated, when the novels were all ended; upon which the queen pleasantly said, "Nothing more remains to be done during my administration for the present day, but to give you a new queen for tomorrow, who must take her turn, according to the best of her judgment, in ordering everything that may be necessary for the continuance of our mirth. And though the day ought to continue till it is night; yet, unless you take time a little beforehand, you cannot so well provide for what is to come; therefore, that there may be time enough to prepare whatever the queen shall think proper for the next day, I think the following days ought to begin at this hour. In regard then to Him, by whom all things live, and for our own well-doing, I appoint Filomena to be queen the second day." When she had thus spoken, she rose from her seat, and having taken the crown from her own head, she reverently placed it on Filomena's, humbly saluting her first herself, and afterwards the rest of the company did the same, submitting themselves cheerfully to her government. - Filomena saw herself crowned with a gentle blush; and calling to mind what Pampinea had just said, that she might not seem remiss in her duty, she confirmed all the officers whom Pampinea had appointed; then she ordered the morrow's provision, as also the supper, so near approaching (they being to continue where they were), and afterwards spoke in this manner 

"My dear friends, although Pampinea, more through her own courtesy than any merit of mine, has made me your queen, yet am I not disposed to follow my own judgment as to our manner of living, but rather to join my opinion with yours; and, therefore, that you may know what I intend to do, and so alter it at your pleasure, I shall declare it in few words. If I have well considered the method that has been taken today, it seems agreeable enough, and till we either grow weary, or find it inconvenient, I resolve not to change it. Continuing then as we have begun, we will rise and divert ourselves awhile by walking; when the sun is down we will sup in the open air, and after we have had some songs and other diversions, it will be time to go to bed. tomorrow morning whilst it is cool and pleasant, we will rise and take a walk, where we like best; and return, as we have done today, about dinner-time, and dance; then, after reposing as before, we will come here again to continue our novels, which to me seem equally entertaining and useful. There are some things, indeed, which Pampinea could not accomplish by reason of her late promotion, which I propose to perfect, namely, to keep you within the bounds of some particular subject, to which your novels are all to relate, and which is to be given you beforehand, that you may have time to think of some pretty story to the purpose; which, if you please, shall be this: As from the beginning of the world, people have been all along conducted by fortune through the various chances of life, an J will be so to the end of it; you are all of you to relate a case where a person, after going through a variety of troubles, at last meets with success beyond all hope and expectation." 

They all approved the order that was given, and determined to obey it; Dioneo only excepted, who, after the rest were silent, said: "Madam, I approve your order as the rest have done, and think it both pleasant and commendable; but one special favour I beg may be granted me, whilst this company continues together; namely, not to let me be constrained by the law you have made, to relate a story according to the given theme, unless I please; but that I may choose something I like better. And that you may not think that I request this, as if I were unfurnished with discourses of this kind, I am content to be the last in every day's exercise." The queen, knowing him to be a merry companion, and well considering that he would not have moved this request, but wit i a design to make the company laugh, when they were weary of any particular subject, agreed to what he desired with the consent of all. 

They now rose and went to a crystal stream, which fell from a little hill into a vale shaded with trees; where, washing both their hands and their feet, much mirth passed among them, till supper drawing near made them return to the palace. When that was over, the queen ordered the musical instruments to be brought, and that Lauretta should begin a dance, Emilia singing to her, and Dioneo playing upon the lute; with which Lauretta immediately complied, and Emilia sang the following song in a very fascinating manner: 



With my own charms so blest am I, 

Each other passion I defy; 

For ever as I gaze, I find 

That good which still contents the mind; 

Nor former flame, nor future love. 

The dear enjoyment can remove. 


Nor does the good I thus possess 

Become by long admiring less; 

No - greater far 's the joy I feel, 

Than heart can think, or tongue reveal; 

How great it is, they only know, 

Who long have sweetly languish'd so. 


And I (the more I fix my eyes, 

And feel the pleasing passion rise) 

Each thought direct, and wish confine. 

To make the promis'd blessing mine. 

And hope ere long a greater joy: 

Where is the nymph so blest as I? 

All joined in the song, though the words occasioned some speculation; and after this and a few other little sonnets, a good part of the night being now spent, the queen thought proper to put an end to the first day; lights being consequently called for, she ordered every one to their respective chambers, to repose till the next morning. 

Monday, 10 August 2020



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Novel I. - Chappelet imposes upon a holy friar by a sham confession, and dies; and, although a very wicked fellow, comes afterwards to be reputed a saint, and called St. Chappelet.

Novel II. - Abraham the Jew, at the instigation of Jeannot de Chivigni, goes to the court of Rome, and seeing the wickedness of the clergy there, returns to Paris, and becomes a Christian.

Novel III. - Melchizedeck, a Jew, by a story of three rings, escapes a most dangerous snare, which Saladin had prepared for him.

Novel IV. - A Monk having committed an offence, for which he ought to have been punished, saves himself by wittily proving his Abbot guilty of the very same fault. 

Novel V. - The Marchioness of Monferrat, by a repast consisting of hens, and a witty reply, cures the King of France of his dishonourable love. 

Novel VI. - A plain honest man, by a casual jest, very shrewdly reproves the hypocrisy of the clergy. 

Novel VII. - Bergamino, by telling a tale of a certain witty person named Primasso, very handsomely reproves the avarice which had lately appeared in Messer Cane della Scala.  

Novel VIII. - Gulielmo Borsiere, by a few smart words, checks the miserable covetousness of M. Ermino de Grimaldi.

Novel IX. - The King of Cyprus was so much affected by the words of a gentlewoman of Gascogne, that from being a worthless prince he became very virtuous.

Novel X. - Master Albert, of Bologna, puts a lady to the blush, who thought to have done as much by him, because she perceived him to be amorously inclined towards her.


Novel I. - Martellino, feigning to be a cripple, pretends to be cured by being laid upon the body of Saint Arrigo; but his roguery being discovered, he gets soundly beaten, and is afterwards apprehended, and in danger of being hanged, but escapes at last. 

Novel II. - Rinaldo d'Asti having been robbed, comes to Castle Guiglielmo, where he is entertained by a widow lady, makes good his loss, and returns safe home. 

Novel III. - Three young gentlemen squander their fortunes, and a nephew of theirs returning home in as desperate a condition, falls in company with an Abbot, whom he afterwards finds to be the King of England's daughter. She marries him, and makes good his uncle's losses, reinstating them in their former prosperity. 

Novel IV. - Landolfo Ruffolo, falling into poverty, became a pirate, was taken by the Genoese, and suffered shipwreck, but saved himself upon a cask of jewels, was taken out of the sea by a woman at Corfu, and afterwards returned home very rich.

Novel V. - Andreuccio, of Perugia, coming to Naples to buy horses, meets with three perilous adventures in one night; from all which he escapes, and returns with a ruby of value.

Novel VI. - Madam Beritola was found on an island with two goats, having lost her two sons. She went thence to Lunigiana, where one of her sons became servant to the lord thereof, and being found with his daughter, was sent to prison. Afterwards, when Sicily rebelled against King Charles, that same son was discovered again by his mother, and was married to his master's daughter; and his brother being found likewise, they both rose again to great estate and credit. 

Novel VII. - The Sultan of Babylon sends one of his daughters to be married to the King of Algarve, but, by divers accidents in the space of four years, she falls into the hands of nine different men in different places. At length being restored to her father, she goes to the King of Algarve as a maid, and becomes his wife, as at first intended. 

Novel VIII. - The Count d'Angiers, being falsely accused, is banished from France, and leaves his two children in different parts of England. Returning afterwards privately out of Ireland, he finds them settled in great repute. Thence he goes as a common servant into the King of France's army, and his innocence being made public at last, he is restored to his former dignity. 

Novel IX. - Bernard of Genoa is imposed upon by one Ambrose, loses his money, and orders his wife, who is quite innocent, to be put to death. She makes her escape, and goes in man's dress into the service of the Sultan; there she meets with the deceiver; and, sending for her husband to Alexandria, has Ambrose punished: she then resumes her former habit, and returns with her husband, in wealth, to Genoa. 

Novel X. - Paganino de Monaco carries away the wife of Signor Ricciardo di Chinzica, who, understanding where she was, goes thither, and growing acquainted with Paganino, he demands her back, which the other consents to, provided she is willing: she refuses to return; and upon Ricciardo's death becomes the wife of Paganino. 


Novel I. - Masetto da Lamporecchio, pretending to be dumb, is taken in to be gardener to a convent of nuns: what happens in consequence. 

Novel II. - An equerry belonging to King Agilulf lay with his queen; of which the king making a secret discovery, set a mark upon him, by shearing the hair off his head; upon which, he who was so shorn, cut that of his fellow-servants in like manner, and so escaped further punishment. 

Novel III. - A lady, under pretence of confessing, and a pure conscience, being in love with a young gentleman, makes a sanctified friar bring them together, without his knowing anything of her intention. 

Novel IV. - A young scholar, named Felix, teaches one Puccio how he may be saved, by performing a penance which he shows him: this he puts into execution, and in the meantime Felix amuses himself with his wife.

Novel V. - Ricciardo, surnamed the Beau, makes a present of a fine horse to Francesco Vergellesi, upon condition that he should have the liberty of speaking to his wife; and she making him no reply, he answers for her, which accordingly has its effect.

Novel VI. - Ricciardo Minutolo is in love with the wife of Philippello Fighinolfi; and knowing her to be jealous of her husband, makes her believe that the latter was to meet his wife that night at a bagnio. Accordingly she goes thither, and, imagining she was with her husband all the time, finds herself at last with Ricciardo. 

Novel VII. - Tedaldo, having a misunderstanding with his mistress, leaves Florence; he returns thither afterwards in the habit of a pilgrim, and makes himself known to her; when he convinces her of her mistake, and saves her husband from being put to death for his murder, for which he had been condemned. He then reconciles him to his brethren, and lives upon good terms with her for the future. 

Novel VIII. - Ferondo, by taking a certain drug, is buried for dead, and the abbot, who has an intrigue with his wife, takes him out of the grave and puts him into a dungeon, where he is made to believe that he is in purgatory. Being raised up again, he rears a child as his own, which the abbot had got by his wife.

Novel IX. - Gillette de Narbonne cures the King of France of a complaint, and demands the Count de Roussillon in marriage, as her reward; he marries her against his will, and goes in a pet to Florence, where he falls in love with a young lady, and lies with his own wife, thinking himself with his mistress. She has two sons by him, and, by that means, matters are accommodated at last between them.

Novel X. - Alibech, a young convert to Christianity, goes into the desert of the Thebaid, where Rustico, a pious hermit, teaches her how to put the devil in hell.


Novel I. - Tancred, Prince of Salerno, puts his daughter's lover to death, and sends his heart to her in a golden cup; she pours poison upon it, which she drinks, and dies. 

Novel II. - Friar Albert makes a woman believe that an angel is in love with her, and in that shape deceives her. Afterwards, for fear of her relations, he throws himself out of the window, and takes shelter in a poor man's house, who exposes him the next day in the public market-place, in the form of a wild man, when he is discovered by two friars, and put into prison.

Novel III. - Three young men fall in love with three sisters, and fly with them into Crete. The eldest destroys her lover out of jealousy; and the second by consenting to the Duke of Crete's desires, is the means of saving her sister's life: afterwards her lover kills her, and goes away with the eldest sister. The third couple is charged with her death, which they confess, then bribe their keepers, make their escape, and die at Rhodes at last in great misery. 

Novel IV. - Gerbino, contrary to a treaty made by King William, his grandfather, fought with a ship belonging to the King of Tunis, with a design to take away his daughter; who being slain by the ship's crew, he slew them likewise, and was afterwards beheaded for it.

Novel V. - Isabella's brothers put her lover to death; he appears to her in a dream, and shows her where he is buried. She privately brings away his head, and, putting it into a pot of basil, and other sweet herbs, laments over it every day. At length they take it away from her, and she soon after dies of grief.

Novel VI. - A young lady, named Andrevuola, is in love with Gabriotto; they relate to each other their dreams, and he falls down dead in her arms. As she and her maid are carrying him out, they are apprehended by the officers of justice; she relates how the affair happened, and afterwards, the magistrate would force her, but she resists; at length her father hears of it, and as her innocence is clear, has her set at liberty. From that period she grows weary of the world, and becomes a nun.

Novel VII. - Pasquino is in love with Simona; and, being in a garden with her, he happens to rub his teeth with a leaf of sage, and immediately di«s. She is brought before the judge, when, being desirous of showing him the cause of Pasquino's death, she rubs her teeth with the same herb, and meets with a similar fate. 

Novel VIII. - Girolamo is in love with Salvestra, and is obliged by his mother to go to Paris; on his return he finds her married; and getting privately into her house, he breathes his last by her side. On his being carried thence to a church to be buried, she dies likewise upon his corpse. 

Novel IX. - Gulielmo Rossiglione gave his wife to eat the heart of Gulielmo Guardastagno, her gallant, whom he had slain; as soon as she knew this, she threw herself out of a window, and, dying, was buried along with him. 

Novel X. - A doctor's wife puts her gallant into a chest, imagining him to be dead, which chest is stolen by two usurers, and carried home. He comes to himself, and is taken for a thief; whilst the lady's maid informs the magistrates that she had put him into a chest, which the usurers had carried away, upon which he escapes, and they are fined a sum of money. 


Novel I. - Cymon becomes wise by being in love, and by force of arms wins Iphigenia, his mistress, upon the seas, and is imprisoned at Rhodes. Being delivered thence by Lysimachus, with him he recovers Iphigenia, and flies with her to Crete, where he is married to her, and is afterwards recalled home. 

Novel II. - Constantia is in love with Martuccio Gomito; and hearing that he was dead, out of despair goes alone into a boat, which is driven by the wind to Susa: finding him alive at Tunis, she makes herself known; whilst he, being a great favourite of the king's there, marries her, and returns home with her to Lipari, very rich. 

Novel III. - Pietro Boccamazza, running away with his mistress, is set upon by thieves, whilst the lady makes her escape into a forest, whence she is conducted to a castle. He is taken, but escapes by some accident, and arrives at the same castle, where they are married, and return thence to Rome. 

Novel IV. - Ricciardo Manardi is found by Lizio along with his daughter, whom he marries, and they become reconciled. 

Novel V. - Guidotto da Cremona dying, left a daughter to the care of Giacomino da Pavia. Giannole di Severino and Minghino di Mingole are both in love with her, and fight on her account, when she is found to be Giannole's sister, and is married to Minghino. 

Novel VI. - Gianni di Procida is discovered with a young lady, formerly his mistress, but then given to King Frederick, for which he is condemned to be burnt with her at a stake, when being known by Ruggieri dell´ Oria, he escapes and marries her. 

Novel VII. - Teodoro is in love with Violante, his master's daughter; she proves with child, for which he is condemned to be hanged: when being led out to execution, he is recognised by his father, set at liberty, and afterwards marries her. 

Novel VIII. - Anastasio, being in love with a young lady, spent a good part of his fortune without being able to gain her affections. At the request of his relations he retires to Chiassi, where he sees a lady pursued and slain by a gentleman, and then given to the dogs to be devoured. He invites his friends, alone with his mistress, to come and dine with him, when they see the same thing, and she, fearing the like punishment, takes him for her husband. 

Novel IX. - Federigo being in love, without meeting with any return, spends all his substance, having nothing left but one poor hawk, which he gives to his lady for her dinner when she comes to his house; she, knowing this, changes her resolution, and marries him, by which means he becomes very rich. 

Novel X. - Pietro di Vinciolo goes to sup at a friend's house; his wife, in the mean time, has her gallant; Pietro returns, when she hides him under a chicken coop. Pietro relates, that a young fellow was found in Ercolano's house, where he supped, who had been concealed by his wife. Pietro's wife blames very much the wife of Ercolano: meanwhile an ass happening to tread on the young man's fìngers, who lay hidden, he cries out. Pietro runs to see what is the matter, and finds out the trick. At length they make it up. 


Novel I. - A certain knight offers a lady to carry her behind him, and to tell her a pleasant story by the way; but, doing it with an ill grace, she chose rather to walk on foot. 

Novel II. - Cisti, the baker, by a smart reply, makes Signor Geri Spina sensible of an unreasonable request. 

Novel III. - Madam Nonna de' Pulci silences the Bishop of Florence, by a smart reply to an unseemly piece of raillery. 

Novel IV. - Chichibio, cook to Currado Gianfiliazzi, by a sudden reply which he makes to his master, turns his wrath into laughter, and so escapes the punishment with which he had threatened him. 

Novel V. - Forese da Rabatta and Giotto the painter, coming from Mugello, laugh at the meanness of each other's appearance. 

Novel VI. - Michael Scalza proves to certain young gentlemen, that the family of the Baronci is the most honourable of any in the world, and wins a supper by it. 

Novel VII. - Madam Filippa, being surprised with her gallant by her husband, is accused and tried for it, but saves herself by her quick reply, and has the laws moderated for the future.

Novel VIII. - Fresco advises his niece, that if she could not endure to look at any disagreeable people, she should never behold herself. 

Novel IX. - Guido Cavalcanti neatly reprimands the folly of some Florentine gentlemen, who came unawares upon him. 

Novel X. - Friar Onion promises some country people to show them a feather from the wing of the Angel Gabriel, instead of which he finds only some coals, which he tells them are the same that roasted St. Laurence. 


Novel I. - Gianni Lotteringhi hears a knocking at his door, and wakes his wife, who makes him believe it is a spirit, and they both go to conjure it away with a certain prayer, after which the noise ceases. 

Novel II. - Peronella puts her gallant into a tub on her husband's coming home, which tub the husband had sold; she consequently tells him that she had also sold it to a person who was then in it, to see if it was sound. Upon this the man jumps out, makes the husband clean it for him, and carries it home. 

Novel III. - Friar Rinaldo has an affair with a lady in the neighbourhood, and he makes the husband believe that he is busy about a charm to cure their child of the worms. 

Novel IV. - Tofano shuts his wife one night out of doors, and she, not being able to persuade him to let her in, pretends to throw herself into a well, and drops a big stone in; he runs thither in a fright; she slips into the house, and, locking him out, abuses him well. 

Novel V. - A jealous man confesses his wife under a priest's habit, who tells him that she is visited every night by a friar; and, whilst he is watching the door, she lets her lover in at the house-top. 

Novel VI. - Isabella, being in company with her gallant, called Leonetto, and being visted at the same time by one Lambertuccio, her husband returns, when she sends Lambertuccio away with a drawn sword in his hand, whilst the husband escorts Leonetto safely to his own house. 

Novel VII. - Lodovico being in love with Beatrice, she sends her husband into the garden, disguised like herself, so that her lover may be with her in the mean time; and he afterwards goes into the garden and beats the husband. 

Novel VIII. - A woman who had a very jealous husband, tied a thread to her great toe, by which she informed her lover whether he should come or not. The husband found it out, and whilst he was pursuing the lover, she put her maid in her place. He takes her to be his wife, beats her, cuts off her hair, and then fetches his wife's relations, who find nothing of what he had told them, and load him with reproaches.

Novel IX. - Lydia, the wife of Nicostratus, being in love with Pyrrhus, did three things which he had enjoined her, to convince him of her affection. She afterwards used some familiarities with him before her husband's face, making him believe that what he had seen was not real. 

Novel X. - Two inhabitants of Siena love the same woman, one of whom was godfather to her son. This man dies, and returns, according to his promise, to his friend, and gives him an account of what is done in the other world. 


Novel I. - Gulfardo borrows a sum of money of Guasparruolo, in order to give it his wife for granting him a favour; he afterwards tells Guasparruolo, in her presence, that he had paid it to her, which she acknowledges to be true. 

Novel II. - The parson of Varlungo receives favours from a woman of his parish, and leaves his cloak in pawn. He afterwards borrows a mortar of her, which he returns, and demands his cloak, which he says he left only as a token. She mutinies, but is forced by her husband to send it. 

Novel III. - Calandrino, Bruno, and Buffalmacco go to Mugnone, to look for the Heliotrope; and Calandrino returns laden with stones, supposing that he has found it. Upon this his wife scolds him, and he beats her for it; and then tells his companions what they knew better than himself. 

Novel IV. - The provost of the church of Fiesole is in love with a lady who has no liking to him, and he, thinking that he is in bed with her is all the time with her maid, and her brothers bring the bishop thither to witness it. 

Novel V. - Three young sparks play a trick with a judge, whilst he is sitting upon the bench hearing causes. 

Novel VI. - Bruno and Buffalmacco steal a pig from Calandrino, and make a charm to find out the thief, with pills made of ginger and some sack; giving him, at the same time, pills made of aloes: thereby they make it appear that he had furtively sold the pig, and they make him pay handsomely, for fear they should tell his wife. 

Novel VII. - A certain scholar is in love with a widow lady named Helena, who, being enamoured of another person, makes the former wait a whole night for her during the midst of winter, in the snow. In return, he afterwards contrives that she shall stand naked on the top of a tower, in the middle of July, exposed to the sun and all manner of insects.

Novel VIII. - Two neighbours are very intimate together, when one making very free with the other's wife, the other finds it out, and returns the compliment, whilst the friend is locked up in a chest all the time.

Novel IX. - Master Simon, the doctor, is imposed upon by Bruno and Buffalmacco, and made to believe that he is to be one of the company of rovers, and afterwards they leave him in a ditch.

Novel X. - A certain Sicilian damsel cheats a merchant of all the money he had taken for his goods at Palermo. Afterwards he pretends to return with a greater stock of goods than before; when he contrives to borrow a large sum of money of her, leaving sham pledges for her security.


Novel I. - Madam Francesca having two lovers, and liking neither of them, rids herself of both, by making one go and lie down in a person's grave, and sending the other to fetch him out. 

Novel II. - An abbess going in haste, and in the dark, to surprise one of her nuns, instead of her veil puts on the priest's breeches. The lady accused makes a just remark upon this, and so escapes. 

Novel III. - Master Simon, the doctor, with Bruno, and the rest, make Calandrino believe that he is with child. The patient gives them fowls and money, to compound a medicine for him, and he recovers without being delivered. 

Novel IV. - Fortarrigo played away all that he had at Buonconvento, as also the money of Angiolieri, who was his master; then running away in his shirt, and pretending that the other had robbed him, he caused him to be seized by the country people, when he put on his clothes, and rode away upon his horse, leaving him there in his shirt. 

Novel V. - Calandrino is in love with a certain damsel; Bruno prepares a charm for her, by virtue of which she follows him, and they are found together by his wife. 

Novel VI. - Two young gentlemen lie at an inn, one of whom goes to bed to the landlord's daughter; whilst the wife, by mistake, lies with the other. Afterwards, he that had lain with the daughter, gets to bed to the father, and tells him all that had passed, thinking it had been his friend: a great uproar is made about it; upon which the wife goes to bed to the daughter, and very cunningly sets all to rights again. 

Novel VII. - Talano di Molese dreams that a wolf tore his wife's face and throat; and he bids her take care of herself; she disregards his advice, and it happens as he had dreamed. 

Novel VIII. - Biondello imposes upon one Ciacco with regard to a dinner; who revenges himself afterwards, and causes the other to be soundly beaten. 

Novel IX. - Two young men go to King Solomon for his advice; the one to know how he is to behave in order to be beloved; the other how to manage an untoward wife. To the first, he replies, Love; to the second, Go to Goosebridge. 

Novel X. - Donno Granni undertakes to transform his gossip Pietro's wife into a mare, at his request; but when it comes to putting on the tail, Pietro cries out, and spoils the whole business. 


Novel I. - A certain knight in the service of the king of Spain thinks himself not sufficiently rewarded. The king gives a remarkable proof that this was not his fault so much as the knight's ill-fortune, and afterwards nobly requites him. 

Novel II. - Ghino di Tacco takes the Abbot of Cligni prisoner, cures him of a pain in his stomach, and then sets him at liberty. The abbot returns to the court of Rome, and through his mediation Ghino is reconciled with Pope Boniface, and made prior of a hospital. 

Novel III. - Mithridanes envies the generosity of Nathan, and goes to kill him, when, conversing with him, but not knowing him, and being informed in what manner he may do the deed, he goes to meet him in a wood, as Nathan had directed. There he recognises him, is ashamed, and becomes his friend. 

Novel IV. - Signor Gentil de´ Carisendi takes a lady out of her grave, whom he had loved, and who was buried for dead. She recovers, and is brought to bed of a son, which he presents along with the lady to her husband. 

Novel V. - Dianora requires Ansaldo to present her with a garden in January as beautiful as in May. He engages a necromancer to do it. Her husband, upon this, gives her leave to keep her word with Ansaldo, who hearing of her husband's generosity, acquits her of her promise, and the necromancer likewise takes nothing for his trouble. 

Novel VI. - King Charles the First, surnamed the Victorious, being in love with a young lady, and ashamed afterwards of his folly, marries both her and her sister much to their advantage. 

Novel VII. - King Pietro, knowing that a lady was love-sick for him, makes her a visit and marries her to a worthy gentleman; then, kissing her forehead, calls himself ever afterwards her knight. 

Novel VIII.- Sophronia believing herself to be the wife of Gisippus, is really married to Titus Quintus Fulvius, who carries her to Rome, where Gisippus arrives some time after in great distress, and, thinking himself despised by Titus, confesses himself guilty of a murder, in order to put an end to his life. Titus recollects him, and, to save him, accuses himself, which, when the murderer sees, he delivers himself up as the guilty person. Finally, they are all set at liberty by Octavius, and Titus marries Gisippus to his sister, and gives him half his estate. 

Novel IX. - Saladin, disguising himself like a merchant, is generously entertained by Signor Torello, who, going upon an expedition to the Holy Land, allowed his wife a certain time to marry again. In the mean time he is taken prisoner, and being employed to look after the hawks, is recognised by the Soldan, who shows him great respect. Afterwards Torello falls sick, and is conveyed by magic art, in one night, to Pavia, at the very time that his wife was to have been married; when he makes himself known to her, and returns with her home.

Novel X. - The Marquis of Saluzzo, having been prevailed upon by his subjects to marry, in order to please himself in the affair, made choice of a countryman's daughter, by whom he had two children, which he pretended to put to death. Afterwards, seeming as though he was weary of her, and had taken another, he had his own daughter brought home, as if he had espoused her, whilst his wife was sent away in a most distressed condition. At length, being convinced of her patience, he brought her home agam, presented her children to her, who were now of considerable years, and ever afterwards loved and honoured her as his lady.