Showing posts with label Mico da Siena. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mico da Siena. Show all posts

Friday, 20 August 2021

10-7, King Pietro


King Pietro, knowing that a lady was love-sick for him, makes her a visit and marries her to a worthy gentleman; then, kissing her forehead calls himself ever afterwards her knight. 

Fiammetta 's novel was concluded, and the manly king's generosity much commended, although there were some of the Ghibelline faction present that seemed not to relish it; when Pampinea, having the king's command, began as follows: - Every one must praise the king for what he did, excepting such as bear him ill-will upon some other account: but as I now call to mind a thing no less praiseworthy, that was done by an enemy of his to a lady of our city, I shall beg leave to relate it. 

At the time when the French were driven out of Sicily, there dwelt at Palermo, a Florentine apothecary, called Bernardo Puccini, one of very great substance, and who had an only daughter, a fine young lady, and of age to be married. Now King Pietro, having become lord of the whole island, made a great feast for all his barons at Palermo: and, as he was jousting in the street called Catalana (NE: original: ... armeggiando egli alla catalana...; a manner of jousting, a style; the street Catalana appears in Naples), it chanced that Bernardo's daughter, whose name was Lisa, being in company with other ladies, at a window, observed him with great pleasure; and she gazed so long, that at last she found herself deeply in love. The feast being over, she returned home, still thinking of nothing but this great and exalted love. But that which troubled her most was the consideration of her mean rank, which left her no hopes of success; nevertheless, she would by no means withdraw her affection, though at the same time she was afraid to disclose it. Love thus getting every day more power over her, the fair maid, unable to hold up any longer, fell at last into a languishing sickness, wasting manifestly like snow before the sun. The father and mother, by their own continual care, as well as the help of physicians, did all in their power to relieve her, but to no purpose; she. despaired in her love, and so desired to die. Now one day it happened, as the father was offering her his best services, that a thought came into her head, to make her love known to the king before her death, and she desired that Minuccio d'Arezzo might come to her. This Minuccio was a fine singer, and often with the king: the father therefore sent for him, supposing that she had a mind to be a little diverted. He came, and played a tune or two upon his violin, and sang her several songs, which, instead of appeasing, only added to her love. At length she expressed a desire to speak to him in private; so, every one else having left the room, she spoke to this purpose: 

"Minuccio, I have chosen to intrust you with a secret, hoping, in the first place, that you will only reveal it to the person concerned; and, secondly, that you will assist me to the utmost of your power. The case, you must know, is this: on the day of King Pietro's rejoicing for his accession, I fell so much in love on seeing him run his tilts, that it has brought me to what you see. Knowing, therefore, how ill-placed my love is on a king, and not being able to shake it off, or any way subdue it, I have resolved, seeing it is too grievous to be borne, to die. It is true, I shall die with great uneasiness, unless he knows it first; and as I have nobody that I can trust in this affair but yourself, I therefore commit it entirely to you, in hopes that you will not refuse me this service; and when you have done it, to let me know, so that, being disburdened, I may die with more ease and comfort." Minuccio was surprised both at the greatness of her soul, and her sad resolution; and, being grieved for her, he thought of a way whereby he might fairly do her service; so he said, " Madam, be assured I will never deceive you: I commend your loftiness of mind in having set your affections on so great a king, and I offer you my assistance, hoping that, before three days are expired, I shall bring you news that will be agreeable. To lose no time, then, I will go directly about it." She promised to comfort herself as well as she could, and wished him success. He consequently sent to one Mico da Siena, a tolerable poet in those days, who, at his request, composed the following 



Go, love, and to my lord declare 

The torment which for him I find; 

Go, say I die, whilst still my fear 

Forbids me to declare my mind. 

With hands uplifted, I thee pray, 

O love! that thou wouldst haste away, 

And gently to my lord impart 

The warmest wishes of my heart; 

Declare how great my sorrows seem, 

Which sighing, blushing, I endure for him. 

Go, love, etc. 

Why lacked I boldness to reveal, 

For once, the passion that I feel? 

To him for whom I grieve alone, 

The anguish of my heart make known? 

He might rejoice to hear my grief 

Awaits his single pleasure for relief. 

Go, love, etc. 

But if this my request be vain, 

Nor other means of help remain. 

Yet say, that when in armour bright 

He march'd, as if equipp'd for fight, 

Amidst his chiefs, that fatal day 

I saw, and gaz'd my very heart away. 

Go, love, etc. 

These words he set to a soft languishing air, as the subject required, and the third day he went to court, where the king was at dinner; and being ordered to give them a song, he sang this one, in such a gentle, sweet manner, that all the people in the room seemed converted to statues, so silently, so attentively did they stand to listen! But the king was more affected than any of the rest, and after Minuccio had made an end, he demanded why he had never heard that song before?" My lord," the other replied, "both the words and tune are not yet three days old." The king then inquiring whom it was they concerned, Minuccio replied, "That I can tell only to your majesty." The king being desirous of knowing it, went with him into the chamber, as soon as the cloth was taken away, when Minuccio related the whole affair, with which the king seemed greatly pleased, and desired him to go directly to Lisa, and assure her, on his part, that he would certainly visit her that evening. Minuccio, overjoyed to be the bearer of such news, went immediately with his violin, and after relating to her in private what had been done, he sang her the very song. From that time there appeared in her great signs of amendment, and, without any one having the least suspicion of it, she waited in full expectation of the evening when she should see her lord. 

The king, who was a gracious and good prince, having thought much of what Minuccio told him, felt more and more pity for the lady, being no stranger to her extraordinary beauty. So, getting on horseback in the evening, as if he was going to take a ride, he rode to this apothecary's house, and desired to see a fine garden that he had. There, after they had walked for some time together, the king inquired what was become of his daughter, and whether she was yet married? Bernardo replied, "My lord, she is not married; she has been indeed extremely ill, and is still so, though we think, that since nones she is wonderfully mended." The king knew what that amendment meant, and said, "In good truth, it would be a pity to lose such a pretty young lady; let us go and see her. So he went with two attendants only, and the father, into the chamber: and going to the bed-side, where Lisa sat propped up, and full of expectation of his coming, he took her by her hand, and said. Fair maid, how comes it that you are ill? You are young and should be a delight to others; then why will you suffer this illness to prey upon you? For my sake be comforted, and get well." The lady, feeling the touch of his hand, whom she loved beyond all the world, though she could not help blushing, thought herself in perfect paradise, and answered as well as she could: "My lord, by opposing my little strength to too heavy a burden, I have come to languish in this manner; but you will soon see an amendment." Only the king understood her covert way of speaking, and after he had stayed some time longer with her, and encouraged her as much as possible, he took his leave. This condescension of the king's was much commended, and thought a great honour both to the apothecary and his daughter, who was as much pleased with it as any other lady could be with her lover; and being cheered by better hopes, she became in a little time quite well, and more fair than ever. 

Some time after, the king, having consulted with the queen about it, went on horseback, on a day appointed, attended by many of his barons to the apothecary's house, and walking in the garden, sent for him and his daughter. Presently after the queen came with a great number of ladies, and after they had spent some time in diversion, the king and queen having called Lisa to them, he said, "Fair lady, your love for me has obtained you this favour, with which, for my sake, I beg you will be satisfied; what I mean is, to give you a husband, but still I would .preserve the character of your knight, without requesting anything in return but a kiss." She blushed, and replied with a low and humble voice: "My lord, were it to be publicly known that I had fixed my affection upon your majesty, I doubt not but I should be reckoned the greatest of fools, and unacquainted with my own meanness as much as with your grandeur. But God, who knows my heart, is my judge, that I then thought of you as a great king, and of myself as an apothecary's daughter, and was sensible how ill it became me to fix my love upon an object as infinitely above me. But your majesty knows, as well as myself, there is no choice in love; it is fancy only; I set my feeble strength against it, which was all I could do; so that I did, do still, and always shall, love you. But ever since I found myself captivated by you, I have thought it my duty to make your will my own; if, then, you would command anything else, I should certainly obey it. But for you, who are my king, to be called my knight, that it becomes me not to speak to, any more than the kiss which you require as the sole recompense of my love, without leave from our lady the queen. Nevertheless, for your great kindness towards me, as well as that of the queen, may Heaven shower down its choicest blessings upon you both; for my part, I am able to make no return." Here she was silent. The queen was pleased with the lady's reply, thinking her as prudent as the king had reported her. His majesty instantly called for her father and mother, and finding they approved of his intention, he sent for a young gentleman of small fortune, whose name was Perdicone, and caused him, not unwillingly, to espouse her; when, besides many jewels and other valuable presents given by them both, he bestowed Ceffalu and Calatabellotta, two very considerable estates, upon them, saying, "These I give by way of dowry with your wife; what I intend for yourself you shall see by and by." Then, turning to her, he said, "I must now receive 

the fruit that is due to me from your love;" and he just saluted her forehead. So the marriage was solemnized, to the great joy of her husband, father and mother; and many report that the king was very constant to his promise, for that, as long as he lived, he always styled himself her knight, and never carried any other token of favour upon his arms, but what she sent him. - Such actions as these gain the hearts of the people, serve as an example for others to imitate, and secure in the end an everlasting fame. But there are few now-a-days that trouble their heads about that, the greater part of our princes being rather cruel tyrants.