Thursday, 19 August 2021

4-5, Isabella's brothers put her lover to death


Isabella's brothers put her lover to death; he appears to her in a dream, and shows her where he is buried. She privately brings away his head, and, putting it into a pot of basil, and other sweet herbs, laments over it every day. At length they take it away from her, and she soon after dies of grief. 

Isabella's brothers put her lover to death; he appears to her in a dream, and shows her where he is buried. She privately brings away his head, and, putting it into a pot of basil, and other sweet herbs, laments over it every day. At length they take it away from her, and she soon after dies of grief.

Eliza having concluded her novel, which was commended by the king, Filomena was then ordered to begin. Full of pity for the two unhappy lovers last mentioned, she heaved a deep sigh, and said: - "My novel will not be concerning people of such high rank as those of whom Eliza has spoken, but perhaps it may be equally moving; and I am led to it from her mentioning Messina, where the thing happened. 

There lived at Messina, three young merchants, who were brothers, and left very rich by their father: they had an only sister, named Isabella, a lady of worth and beauty, who, whatever was the reason, was yet unmarried. Now they had in their employ a young man of Pisa, called Lorenzo, who managed all their affairs. He was a young man of very agreeable person and manners, and being often in Isabella's company, she loved him, and he forsook all others for her sake; nor was it long before their mutual desires were consummated. This affair was carried on between them for a considerable time, without the least, suspicion; till one night it happened, as Isabella was going to Lorenzo's chamber, that the eldest brother saw her, without her knowing it. 

This afflicted him greatly; yet, being a prudent man, he made no discovery, but lay considering with himself till morning, what course was best to take. He then related to his brothers what he had seen, with regard to their sister and Lorenzo, and, after a long debate, it was resolved to seem to take no notice of it for the present, but to make away with him privately, the first opportunity, that they might remove all cause of reproach both to their sister and themselves. Continuing in this resolution, they behaved with the same freedom and civility to Lorenzo as ever, till at length, under a pretence of going out of the city, upon a party of pleasure, they carried him along with them, and arriving at a lonesome place, fit for their purpose, they slew him, unprepared as he was to make any defence, and buried him on the spot. Then, returning to Messina, they gave it out, that they had sent him on a journey of business, which was easily believed, because they frequently did so. 

After some time, Isabella, thinking that Lorenzo made a long stay, began to inquire earnestly of her brothers concerning him, and this she did so often, that at last one of them said to her, "What have you to do with Lorenzo, that you are continually teazing us about him? If you inquire any more, you shall receive such an answer as you will by no means like." This grieved her exceedingly, and fearing, she knew not why, she remained without asking any more questions; yet all the night would she lament and complain of his long stay; and thus she spent her life in a tedious and anxious waiting for his return; till one night it happened, that, having wept herself to sleep, he appeared to her in a dream, all pale and ghastly, with his clothes rent in pieces, and she thought that he spoke to her thus: "My dearest Isabel, thou grievest incessantly for my absence, and art continually calling upon me; but know that I can return no more to thee, for the last day that thou sawest me, thy brothers put me to death." And, describing the place where they had buried him, he bade her call no more upon him, nor ever expect to see him again; and disappeared. 

My dearest Isabel, thou grievest incessantly for my absence, and art continually calling upon me; but know that I can return no more to thee, for the last day that thou sawest me, thy brothers put me to death.

Isabella woke up, implicitly believing the vision, and wept bitterly. In the morning, not daring to say anything to her brothers, she resolved to go to the place mentioned in the dream, to be convinced of the reality. Accordingly, having leave to go a little way into the country, along with a companion of hers, who was acquainted with all her affairs, she went thither, and clearing the ground of the dried leaves, with which it was covered, she observed where the earth seemed to be lightest, and dug there. She had not searched far before she came to her lover's body, which she found in no degree wasted; this informed her of the truth of her vision, and she was in the utmost concern on that account; but, as that was not a fit place for lamentation, she would willingly have taken the corpse away with her, to give it a more decent interment; but, finding herself unable to do that, she cut off the head, which she put into a handkerchief, and, covering the trunk again with mould, she gave the head to her maid to carry, and returned home without being perceived. She then shut herself up in her chamber, and lamented over her lover's head till she had washed it with her tears, and then she put it into a flower-pot, having folded it in a fine napkin, and covering it with earth, she planted sweet herbs therein, which she watered with nothing but rose or orange water, or else with her tears, accustoming herself to sit always before it, and devoting her whole heart unto it, as containing her dear Lorenzo. 

The sweet herbs, what with her continual bathing, and the moisture arising from the putrefied head, flourished exceedingly, and sent forth a most agreeable odour. Continuing this manner of life, she was observed by some of the neighbours, and they related her conduct to her brothers, who had before remarked with surprise the decay of her beauty. Accordingly, they both reprimanded her for it, and, finding that ineffectual, stole the pot from her. She, perceiving that it was taken away, begged earnestly of them to restore it, which they refusing, she fell sick. The young men wondered much why she should have so great a fancy for it, and were resolved to see what it contained: turning out the earth, therefore, they saw the napkin, and in it the head, not so much consumed, but that, by the curled locks, they knew it to be Lorenzo's, which threw them into the utmost astonishment, and fearing lest it should be known, they buried it privately, and withdrew themselves thence to Naples. The young lady never ceased weeping, and calling for her pof of flowers, till she died: and thus terminated her unfortunate love. But, in some time afterwards, the thing became public, which gave rise to this song - 

Most cruel and unkind was he, 

That of my flowers deprived me, etc. 

[Keats's beautiful poem, "The Pot of Basil,” has made this story familiar to the English reader.] 


bartleby pot of basil


FAIR Isabel, poor simple Isabel!

  Lorenzo, a young palmer in Love’s eye!

They could not in the self-same mansion dwell

  Without some stir of heart, some malady;

They could not sit at meals but feel how well         5

  It soothed each to be the other by;

They could not, sure, beneath the same roof sleep

But to each other dream, and nightly weep.



With every morn their love grew tenderer,

  With every eve deeper and tenderer still;         10

He might not in house, field, or garden stir,

  But her full shape would all his seeing fill;

And his continual voice was pleasanter

  To her, than noise of trees or hidden rill;

Her lute-string gave an echo of his name,         15

She spoilt her half-done broidery with the same.



He knew whose gentle hand was at the latch,

  Before the door had given her to his eyes;

And from her chamber-window he would catch

  Her beauty farther than the falcon spies;         20

And constant as her vespers would he watch,

  Because her face was turn’d to the same skies;

And with sick longing all the night outwear,

To hear her morning-step upon the stair.



A whole long month of May in this sad plight         25

  Made their cheeks paler by the break of June:

“To morrow will I bow to my delight,

  “To-morrow will I ask my lady’s boon.”—

“O may I never see another night,

  “Lorenzo, if thy lips breathe not love’s tune.”—         30

So spake they to their pillows; but, alas,

Honeyless days and days did he let pass;



Until sweet Isabella’s untouch’d cheek

  Fell sick within the rose’s just domain,

Fell thin as a young mother’s, who doth seek         35

  By every lull to cool her infant’s pain:

“How ill she is,” said he, “I may not speak,

  “And yet I will, and tell my love all plain:

“If looks speak love-laws, I will drink her tears,

“And at the least ’twill startle off her cares.”         40



So said he one fair morning, and all day

  His heart beat awfully against his side;

And to his heart he inwardly did pray

  For power to speak; but still the ruddy tide

Stifled his voice, and puls’d resolve away—         45

  Fever’d his high conceit of such a bride,

Yet brought him to the meekness of a child:

Alas! when passion is both meek and wild!



So once more he had wak’d and anguished

  A dreary night of love and misery,         50

If Isabel’s quick eye had not been wed

  To every symbol on his forehead high;

She saw it waxing very pale and dead,

  And straight all flush’d; so, lisped tenderly,

“Lorenzo!”—here she ceas’d her timid quest,         55

But in her tone and look he read the rest.



“O Isabella, I can half perceive

  “That I may speak my grief into thine ear;

“If thou didst ever any thing believe,

  “Believe how I love thee, believe how near         60

“My soul is to its doom: I would not grieve

  “Thy hand by unwelcome pressing, would not fear

“Thine eyes by gazing; but I cannot live

“Another night, and not my passion shrive.



“Love! thou art leading me from wintry cold,         65

  “Lady! thou leadest me to summer clime,

“And I must taste the blossoms that unfold

  “In its ripe warmth this gracious morning time.”

So said, his erewhile timid lips grew bold,

  And poesied with hers in dewy rhyme:         70

Great bliss was with them, and great happiness

Grew, like a lusty flower in June’s caress.



Parting they seem’d to tread upon the air,

  Twin roses by the zephyr blown apart

Only to meet again more close, and share         75

  The inward fragrance of each other’s heart.

She, to her chamber gone, a ditty fair

  Sang, of delicious love and honey’d dart;

He with light steps went up a western hill,

And bade the sun farewell, and joy’d his fill.         80



All close they met again, before the dusk

  Had taken from the stars its pleasant veil,

All close they met, all eves, before the dusk

  Had taken from the stars its pleasant veil,

Close in a bower of hyacinth and musk,         85

  Unknown of any, free from whispering tale.

Ah! better had it been for ever so,

Than idle ears should pleasure in their woe.



Were they unhappy then?—It cannot be—

  Too many tears for lovers have been shed,         90

Too many sighs give we to them in fee,

  Too much of pity after they are dead,

Too many doleful stories do we see,

  Whose matter in bright gold were best be read;

Except in such a page where Theseus’ spouse         95

Over the pathless waves towards him bows.



But, for the general award of love,

  The little sweet doth kill much bitterness;

Though Dido silent is in under-grove,

  And Isabella’s was a great distress,         100

Though young Lorenzo in warm Indian clove

  Was not embalm’d, this truth is not the less—

Even bees, the little almsmen of spring-bowers,

Know there is richest juice in poison-flowers.



With her two brothers this fair lady dwelt,         105

  Enriched from ancestral merchandize,

And for them many a weary hand did swelt

  In torched mines and noisy factories,

And many once proud-quiver’d loins did melt

  In blood from stinging whip;—with hollow eyes         110

Many all day in dazzling river stood,

To take the rich-ored driftings of the flood.



For them the Ceylon diver held his breath,

  And went all naked to the hungry shark;

For them his ears gush’d blood; for them in death         115

  The seal on the cold ice with piteous bark

Lay full of darts; for them alone did seethe

  A thousand men in troubles wide and dark:

Half-ignorant, they turn’d an easy wheel,

That set sharp racks at work, to pinch and peel.         120



Why were they proud? Because their marble founts

  Gush’d with more pride than do a wretch’s tears?—

Why were they proud? Because fair orange-mounts

  Were of more soft ascent than lazar stairs?—

Why were they proud? Because red-lin’d accounts         125

  Were richer than the songs of Grecian years?—

Why were they proud? again we ask aloud,

Why in the name of Glory were they proud?



Yet were these Florentines as self-retired

  In hungry pride and gainful cowardice,         130

As two close Hebrews in that land inspired,

  Paled in and vineyarded from beggar-spies,

The hawks of ship-mast forests—the untired

  And pannier’d mules for ducats and old lies—

Quick cat’s-paws on the generous stray-away,—         135

Great wits in Spanish, Tuscan, and Malay.



How was it these same ledger-men could spy

  Fair Isabella in her downy nest?

How could they find out in Lorenzo’s eye

  A straying from his toil? Hot Egypt’s pest         140

Into their vision covetous and sly!

  How could these money-bags see east and west?—

Yet so they did—and every dealer fair

Must see behind, as doth the hunted hare.



O eloquent and famed Boccaccio!         145

  Of thee we now should ask forgiving boon,

And of thy spicy myrtles as they blow,

  And of thy roses amorous of the moon,

And of thy lilies, that do paler grow

  Now they can no more hear thy ghittern’s tune,         150

For venturing syllables that ill beseem

The quiet glooms of such a piteous theme.



Grant thou a pardon here, and then the tale

  Shall move on soberly, as it is meet;

There is no other crime, no mad assail         155

  To make old prose in modern rhyme more sweet:

But it is done—succeed the verse or fail—

  To honour thee, and thy gone spirit greet;

To stead thee as a verse in English tongue,

An echo of thee in the north-wind sung.         160



These brethren having found by many signs

  What love Lorenzo for their sister had,

And how she lov’d him too, each unconfines

  His bitter thoughts to other, well nigh mad

That he, the servant of their trade designs,         165

  Should in their sister’s love be blithe and glad,

When ’twas their plan to coax her by degrees

To some high noble and his olive-trees.



And many a jealous conference had they,

  And many times they bit their lips alone,         170

Before they fix’d upon a surest way

  To make the youngster for his crime atone;

And at the last, these men of cruel clay

  Cut Mercy with a sharp knife to the bone;

For they resolved in some forest dim         175

To kill Lorenzo, and there bury him.



So on a pleasant morning, as he leant

  Into the sun-rise, o’er the balustrade

Of the garden-terrace, towards him they bent

  Their footing through the dews; and to him said,         180

“You seem there in the quiet of content,

  “Lorenzo, and we are most loth to invade

“Calm speculation; but if you are wise,

“Bestride your steed while cold is in the skies.



“To-day we purpose, ay, this hour we mount         185

  “To spur three leagues towards the Apennine;

“Come down, we pray thee, ere the hot sun count

  “His dewy rosary on the eglantine.”

Lorenzo, courteously as he was wont,

  Bow’d a fair greeting to these serpents’ whine;         190

And went in haste, to get in readiness,

With belt, and spur, and bracing huntsman’s dress.



And as he to the court-yard pass’d along,

  Each third step did he pause, and listen’d oft

If he could hear his lady’s matin-song,         195

  Or the light whisper of her footstep soft;

And as he thus over his passion hung,

  He heard a laugh full musical aloft;

When, looking up, he saw her features bright

Smile through an in-door lattice, all delight.         200



“Love, Isabel!” said he, “I was in pain

  “Lest I should miss to bid thee a good morrow:

“Ah! what if I should lose thee, when so fain

  “I am to stifle all the heavy sorrow

“Of a poor three hours’ absence? but we’ll gain         205

  “Out of the amorous dark what day doth borrow.

“Good bye! I’ll soon be back.”—“Good bye!” said she:—

And as he went she chanted merrily.



So the two brothers and their murder’d man

  Rode past fair Florence, to where Arno’s stream         210

Gurgles through straiten’d banks, and still doth fan

  Itself with dancing bulrush, and the bream

Keeps head against the freshets. Sick and wan

  The brothers’ faces in the ford did seem,

Lorenzo’s flush with love.—They pass’d the water         215

Into a forest quiet for the slaughter.



There was Lorenzo slain and buried in,

  There in that forest did his great love cease;

Ah! when a soul doth thus its freedom win,

  It aches in loneliness—is ill at peace         220

As the break-covert blood-hounds of such sin:

  They dipp’d their swords in the water, and did tease

Their horses homeward, with convulsed spur,

Each richer by his being a murderer.



They told their sister how, with sudden speed,         225

  Lorenzo had ta’en ship for foreign lands,

Because of some great urgency and need

  In their affairs, requiring trusty hands.

Poor Girl! put on thy stifling widow’s weed,

  And ’scape at once from Hope’s accursed bands;         230

To-day thou wilt not see him, nor to-morrow,

And the next day will be a day of sorrow.



She weeps alone for pleasures not to be;

  Sorely she wept until the night came on,

And then, instead of love, O misery!         235

  She brooded o’er the luxury alone:

His image in the dusk she seem’d to see,

  And to the silence made a gentle moan,

Spreading her perfect arms upon the air,

And on her couch low murmuring, “Where? O where?”         240



But Selfishness, Love’s cousin, held not long

  Its fiery vigil in her single breast;

She fretted for the golden hour, and hung

  Upon the time with feverish unrest—

Not long—for soon into her heart a throng         245

  Of higher occupants, a richer zest,

Came tragic; passion not to be subdued,

And sorrow for her love in travels rude.



In the mid days of autumn, on their eves

  The breath of Winter comes from far away,         250

And the sick west continually bereaves

  Of some gold tinge, and plays a roundelay

Of death among the bushes and the leaves,

  To make all bare before he dares to stray

From his north cavern. So sweet Isabel         255

By gradual decay from beauty fell,



Because Lorenzo came not. Oftentimes

  She ask’d her brothers, with an eye all pale,

Striving to be itself, what dungeon climes

  Could keep him off so long? They spake a tale         260

Time after time, to quiet her. Their crimes

  Came on them, like a smoke from Hinnom’s vale;

And every night in dreams they groan’d aloud,

To see their sister in her snowy shroud.



And she had died in drowsy ignorance,         265

  But for a thing more deadly dark than all;

It came like a fierce potion, drunk by chance,

  Which saves a sick man from the feather’d pall

For some few gasping moments; like a lance,

  Waking an Indian from his cloudy hall         270

With cruel pierce, and bringing him again

Sense of the gnawing fire at heart and brain.



It was a vision.—In the drowsy gloom,

  The dull of midnight, at her couch’s foot

Lorenzo stood, and wept: the forest tomb         275

  Had marr’d his glossy hair which once could shoot

Lustre into the sun, and put cold doom

  Upon his lips, and taken the soft lute

From his lorn voice, and past his loamed ears

Had made a miry channel for his tears.         280



Strange sound it was, when the pale shadow spake;

  For there was striving, in its piteous tongue,

To speak as when on earth it was awake,

  And Isabella on its music hung:

Languor there was in it, and tremulous shake,         285

  As in a palsied Druid’s harp unstrung;

And through it moan’d a ghostly under-song,

Like hoarse night-gusts sepulchral briars among.



Its eyes, though wild, were still all dewy bright

  With love, and kept all phantom fear aloof         290

From the poor girl by magic of their light,

  The while it did unthread the horrid woof

Of the late darken’d time,—the murderous spite

  Of pride and avarice,—the dark pine roof

In the forest,—and the sodden turfed dell,         295

Where, without any word, from stabs he fell.



Saying moreover, “Isabel, my sweet!

  “Red whortle-berries droop above my head,

“And a large flint-stone weighs upon my feet;

  “Around me beeches and high chestnuts shed         300

“Their leaves and prickly nuts; a sheep-fold bleat

  “Comes from beyond the river to my bed:

“Go, shed one tear upon my heather-bloom,

“And it shall comfort me within the tomb.



“I am a shadow now, alas! alas!         305

  “Upon the skirts of human-nature dwelling

“Alone: I chant alone the holy mass,

  “While little sounds of life are round me knelling,

“And glossy bees at noon do fieldward pass,

  “And many a chapel bell the hour is telling,         310

“Paining me through: those sounds grow strange to me,

“And thou art distant in Humanity.



“I know what was, I feel full well what is,

  “And I should rage, if spirits could go mad;

“Though I forget the taste of earthly bliss,         315

  “That paleness warms my grave, as though I had

“A Seraph chosen from the bright abyss

  “To be my spouse: thy paleness makes me glad;

“Thy beauty grows upon me, and I feel

“A greater love through all my essence steal.”         320



The Spirit mourn’d “Adieu!”—dissolv’d, and left

  The atom darkness in a slow turmoil;

As when of healthful midnight sleep bereft,

  Thinking on rugged hours and fruitless toil,

We put our eyes into a pillowy cleft,         325

  And see the spangly gloom froth up and boil:

It made sad Isabella’s eyelids ache,

And in the dawn she started up awake;



“Ha! ha!” said she, “I knew not this hard life,

  “I thought the worst was simple misery;         330

“I thought some Fate with pleasure or with strife

  “Portion’d us—happy days, or else to die;

“But there is crime—a brother’s bloody knife!

  “Sweet Spirit, thou hast school’d my infancy:

“I’ll visit thee for this, and kiss thine eyes,         335

“And greet thee morn and even in the skies.”



When the full morning came, she had devised

  How she might secret to the forest hie;

How she might find the clay, so dearly prized,

  And sing to it one latest lullaby;         340

How her short absence might be unsurmised,

  While she the inmost of the dream would try.

Resolv’d, she took with her an aged nurse,

And went into that dismal forest-hearse.



See, as they creep along the river side,         345

  How she doth whisper to that aged Dame,

And, after looking round the champaign wide,

  Shows her a knife.—“What feverous hectic flame

“Burns in thee, child?—What good can thee betide,

  “That thou should’st smile again?”—The evening came,         350

And they had found Lorenzo’s earthy bed;

The flint was there, the berries at his head.



Who hath not loiter’d in a green church-yard,

  And let his spirit, like a demon-mole,

Work through the clayey soil and gravel hard,         355

  To see skull, coffin’d bones, and funeral stole;

Pitying each form that hungry Death hath marr’d,

  And filling it once more with human soul?

Ah! this is holiday to what was felt

When Isabella by Lorenzo knelt.         360



She gaz’d into the fresh-thrown mould, as though

  One glance did fully all its secrets tell;

Clearly she saw, as other eyes would know

  Pale limbs at bottom of a crystal well;

Upon the murderous spot she seem’d to grow,         365

  Like to a native lily of the dell:

Then with her knife, all sudden, she began

To dig more fervently than misers can.



Soon she turn’d up a soiled glove, whereon

  Her silk had play’d in purple phantasies,         370

She kiss’d it with a lip more chill than stone,

  And put it in her bosom, where it dries

And freezes utterly unto the bone

  Those dainties made to still an infant’s cries:

Then ’gan she work again; nor stay’d her care,         375

But to throw back at times her veiling hair.



That old nurse stood beside her wondering,

  Until her heart felt pity to the core

At sight of such a dismal labouring,

  And so she kneeled, with her locks all hoar,         380

And put her lean hands to the horrid thing:

  Three hours they labour’d at this travail sore;

At last they felt the kernel of the grave,

And Isabella did not stamp and rave.



Ah! wherefore all this wormy circumstance?         385

  Why linger at the yawning tomb so long?

O for the gentleness of old Romance,

  The simple plaining of a minstrel’s song!

Fair reader, at the old tale take a glance,

  For here, in truth, it doth not well belong         390

To speak:—O turn thee to the very tale,

And taste the music of that vision pale.



With duller steel than the Persèan sword

  They cut away no formless monster’s head,

But one, whose gentleness did well accord         395

  With death, as life. The ancient harps have said,

Love never dies, but lives, immortal Lord:

  If Love impersonate was ever dead,

Pale Isabella kiss’d it, and low moan’d.

’Twas love; cold,—dead indeed, but not dethroned.         400



In anxious secrecy they took it home,

  And then the prize was all for Isabel:

She calm’d its wild hair with a golden comb,

  And all around each eye’s sepulchral cell

Pointed each fringed lash; the smeared loam         405

  With tears, as chilly as a dripping well,

She drench’d away:—and still she comb’d, and kept

Sighing all day—and still she kiss’d, and wept.



Then in a silken scarf,—sweet with the dews

  Of precious flowers pluck’d in Araby,         410

And divine liquids come with odorous ooze

  Through the cold serpent pipe refreshfully,—

She wrapp’d it up; and for its tomb did choose

  A garden-pot, wherein she laid it by,

And cover’d it with mould, and o’er it set         415

Sweet Basil, which her tears kept ever wet.



And she forgot the stars, the moon, and sun,

  And she forgot the blue above the trees,

And she forgot the dells where waters run,

  And she forgot the chilly autumn breeze;         420

She had no knowledge when the day was done,

  And the new morn she saw not: but in peace

Hung over her sweet Basil evermore,

And moisten’d it with tears unto the core.



And so she ever fed it with thin tears,         425

  Whence thick, and green, and beautiful it grew,

So that it smelt more balmy than its peers

  Of Basil-tufts in Florence; for it drew

Nurture besides, and life, from human fears,

  From the fast mouldering head there shut from view:         430

So that the jewel, safely casketed,

Came forth, and in perfumed leafits spread.



O Melancholy, linger here awhile!

  O Music, Music, breathe despondingly!

O Echo, Echo, from some sombre isle,         435

  Unknown, Lethean, sigh to us—O sigh!

Spirits in grief, lift up your heads, and smile;

  Lift up your heads, sweet Spirits, heavily,

And make a pale light in your cypress glooms,

Tinting with silver wan your marble tombs.         440



Moan hither, all ye syllables of woe,

  From the deep throat of sad Melpomene!

Through bronzed lyre in tragic order go,

  And touch the strings into a mystery;

Sound mournfully upon the winds and low;         445

  For simple Isabel is soon to be

Among the dead: She withers, like a palm

Cut by an Indian for its juicy balm.



O leave the palm to wither by itself;

  Let not quick Winter chill its dying hour!—         450

It may not be—those Baalites of pelf,

  Her brethren, noted the continual shower

From her dead eyes; and many a curious elf,

  Among her kindred, wonder’d that such dower

Of youth and beauty should be thrown aside         455

By one mark’d out to be a Noble’s bride.



And, furthermore, her brethren wonder’d much

  Why she sat drooping by the Basil green,

And why it flourish’d, as by magic touch;

  Greatly they wonder’d what the thing might mean:         460

They could not surely give belief, that such

  A very nothing would have power to wean

Her from her own fair youth, and pleasures gay,

And even remembrance of her love’s delay.



Therefore they watch’d a time when they might sift         465

  This hidden whim; and long they watch’d in vain;

For seldom did she go to chapel-shrift,

  And seldom felt she any hunger-pain;

And when she left, she hurried back, as swift

  As bird on wing to breast its eggs again;         470

And, patient as a hen-bird, sat her there

Beside her Basil, weeping through her hair.



Yet they contriv’d to steal the Basil-pot,

  And to examine it in secret place:

The thing was vile with green and livid spot,         475

  And yet they knew it was Lorenzo’s face:

The guerdon of their murder they had got,

  And so left Florence in a moment’s space,

Never to turn again.—Away they went,

With blood upon their heads, to banishment.         480



O Melancholy, turn thine eyes away!

  O Music, Music, breathe despondingly!

O Echo, Echo, on some other day,

  From isles Lethean, sigh to us—O sigh!

Spirits of grief, sing not your “Well-a-way!”         485

  For Isabel, sweet Isabel, will die;

Will die a death too lone and incomplete,

Now they have ta’en away her Basil sweet.



Piteous she look’d on dead and senseless things,

  Asking for her lost Basil amorously:         490

And with melodious chuckle in the strings

  Of her lorn voice, she oftentimes would cry

After the Pilgrim in his wanderings,

  To ask him where her Basil was; and why

’Twas hid from her: “For cruel ’tis,” said she,         495

“To steal my Basil-pot away from me.”



And so she pined, and so she died forlorn,

  Imploring for her Basil to the last.

No heart was there in Florence but did mourn

  In pity of her love, so overcast.         500

And a sad ditty of this story born

  From mouth to mouth through all the country pass’d:

Still is the burthen sung—“O cruelty,

  “To steal my Basil-pot away from me!”

4-4 Gerbino, King William


Gerbino, contrary to a treaty made by King William, his grandfather, fought with a ship belonging to the King of Tunis, with a design to take away his daughter; who being slain by the ship's crew, he slew them likewise, and was afterwards beheaded for it. 

Lauretta had now concluded her novel, when the company expressed their different opinions concerning the fate of these unhappy lovers; this person saying one thing, and that another, till at length the king, raising up his head, as if from a profound study, made the next signal to Eliza, who began as follows: - There are many people who are persuaded that love is only kindled at the eyes, and laugh at those who maintain the possibility of people's being enamoured by report; but how far they are mistaken will be seen in the following story; wherein will be shown, not only the power of fame in that respect, but that it has brought divers persons also to a miserable death. 

Gerbino, contrary to a treaty made by King William, his grandfather, fought with a ship belonging to the King of Tunis, with a design to take away his daughter; who being slain by the ship's crew, he slew them likewise, and was afterwards beheaded for it.

Guiglielmo, the second king of Sicily (as their histories relate) had two children, a son named Ruggieri, and a daughter called Constantia. Ruggieri died before his father, leaving a son, called Gerbino, whom his grandfather took care to bring up, and he became a most accomplished prince; nor did his fame confine itself within the bounds of his own country, but was echoed through numerous parts of the world, especially in Barbary, which was then tributary to the King of Sicily. Amongst others, who had heard of his singular worth and character, was a daughter of the King of Tunis, who, in the opinion of all that ever saw her, was as beautiful a woman as ever lived, with a soul equally noble and perfect. The lady, inquiring always after people of worth, received from all hands a most extraordinary account of Gerbino's merit and noble exploits, which were so pleasing to her, that, conceiving within her own mind the idea of his person, she became violently in love, and was never more pleased than when he was the subject of discourse. On the other hand, no less had her fame reached Sicily, as well as other countries, and was particularly agreeable to the prince, who had conceived the same love for her. Being desirous above all things of seeing her, he charged some of his friends, till he could obtain leave from his grandfather to go himself to Tunis, to make his love known privately to her, in the best manner they were able, and to bring him some tidings concerning her. This was managed very dexterously by one of them, who went under the character of a jeweller. The princess received him with great cheerfulness and satisfaction, declaring a mutual regard for the prince, and as a proof of it, she sent him a present of one of her richest jewels. He received it with great joy, and wrote several letters, presenting her with things of great value, and pledging himself to wait upon her in person, when fortune afforded him an opportunity. 

Things being carried so far, and farther than ought to have been, it happened, that the princess's father promised her in marriage to the King of Granada, to her infinite sorrow, and could she have found opportunity, she would gladly have fled from her father to the prince. He, in like manner, hearing of this contract, was afflicted beyond measure, and resolved, if it should happen that she was sent by sea, to take her away by force. The King of Tunis hearing something of Gerbino's love, and what he designed, and well knowing his resolution and great valour, when the time came that she was to depart, sent to the King of Sicily to acquaint him with his design, and to desire a safe conduct; and that monarch, knowing nothing of his grandson's affections towards the lady, nor thinking that the safe conduct was desired upon that account, readily granted it, in token whereof he sent one of his gloves to the King of Tunis. The latter then fitted out a stately ship at Carthage, and providing it with everything necessary to transport his daughter to Granada, waited only for the time that had been appointed. The young lady, who was aware of all this, sent one of her servants in secret to Palermo, to acquaint the prince that she was to sail in a few days, and that it would now appear whether he was a person of such valour as had been always reported, or had that love for her which he had often declared. The message was faithfully delivered; and the prince knowing, at the same time, that his grandfather had granted a safe conduct, was at a loss how to act; but reflecting upon the lady's words, and that he might not appear a dastard, he hired two light ships at Messina, which he took care to have well manned, and sailed with them to the coast of Sardinia, expecting that the ship which had his mistress on board must take that course. In a few days that expectation was answered and he saw the ship sailing with a light wind near the place where he was stationed. Thereupon he thus addressed his companions: 

"Gentlemen, if you are the men I take you to be, there is none of you, I imagine, but must have felt the extraordinary power of love, without which, as I judge by myself, there can be no valour or worth in mortal. If then you have ever been, or are now in love, you will the more easily comprehend the nature of my design. It is love that makes me call upon you; and the object of it is in the ship before you. Besides that, there is store of riches, which, if you fight manfully, you may easily obtain. For my part I desire nothing but the lady, for whose sake I have taken up arms; everything else shall be yours. Let us go then boldly to the attack; fortune seems to favour our undertaking; they lie still, unable to get along for want of wind." 

The prince had no occasion to make use of such an exhortation; for his people, eager for rapine, were ready enough to his orders. They declared their approbation then with a great shout, whilst the trumpets sounded, and they all armed themselves, and rowed towards the ship. In like manner the other ship's crew, seeing two galleys come towards them, and that there was no possibility of escaping by flight, stood resolutely upon their defence. The prince being come sufficiently near, ordered that the masters of the vessel should come on board, unless they meant to fight. The Saracens understanding who the assailants were, and what their demand was, told them, that it was contrary to treaty, to the royal faith plighted to them, in token of which they showed king Guiglielmo's glove; and they flatly declared, that they would neither surrender themselves, nor part with anything in the ship till they were forced to do so. The prince, now seeing the lady upon deck, whose charms exceeded all he had dreamed of them, replied, “show your glove to your hawks when you fly them, it is of no use here; either deliver up the lady, or prepare for fight." Then they began slinging darts and stones on both sides; battering one another for a considerable time, to the great damage of both. At length, when the prince saw that little good was to be done that way, he took a small pinnace which he had brought with him from Sardinia, and setting it on fire, towed it with his two galleys alongside of the ship. The Saracens being now assured that they must either surrender or perish, had the lady brought from below, where she was all in tears; then they shouted to Gerbino, and murdered her before his face, whilst she begged in vain for mercy and help, and threw her into the sea, saying, "Take her, such as we now give her to thee: and such as thy breach of faith has deserved." He, seeing their cruelty, and not caring now what became of his own life, in spite of all the darts and stones that were thrown at him, came up close with the ship, and boarded her; and, as a famished lion, when he gets among a heard of cattle, gives a loose to his fury before he satisfies his hunger, so did the prince slay all that came in his way, whilst the fire getting ahead in the ship, he ordered the sailors to save what booty they were able for themselves, and returned to his galley little pleased with so dear a conquest. Afterwards, having recovered the lady's body out of the sea, and lamenting heartily over it, he returned to Sicily, and had it buried in Ustria, a little island over against Trapani, and then he came home the saddest man on earth. 

The King of Tunis, upon hearing the news, sent ambassadors all in deep mourning to the King of Sicily, complaining of the breach of faith, and relating in what manner it had been done. Guiglielmo was much concerned at this, and seeing no way by which he could deny them the justice they demanded, he had his grandson seized, and notwithstanding the intercession of every one of his barons, ordered his head to be struck off in his presence; choosing rather to be without a grandson, than to be thought a king without honour. So miserable was the end of these two lovers within a few days of each other, without tasting the least fruit of their loves.